MBSE Consulting in Falls Church, VA

MBSE Consulting in Falls Church, VA

SSA mbse consulting in falls church
Founded in 2018 by Rosemary Kioko, Systems Strategies and Analysis (SSA) provides MBSE consulting services in Falls Church.

Founded in 2018 by Rosemary Kioko, Systems Strategies and Analysis (SSA) provides MBSE consulting services in Falls Church and surrounding communities in Virginia. What’s outstanding about SSA is that our team has the expertise and skills to quickly and cost-effectively apply systems engineering principles to any project – aerospace, transportation, etc. Visit our website now to learn more about Systems Strategies and Analysis and its mission.

MBSE Consulting Company in Falls Church

Our MBSE consulting company in Falls Church strives to deliver complex system solutions while integrating traditional legacy systems. At Systems Strategies & Analysis, we provide a comprehensive solution personalized to your project’s goals. Plus, our corporate capabilities allow our team to apply systems engineering and project management principles in our projects. They are:

  • Systems Engineering – MBSE consulting
  • Spacecraft Mission Engineering & Operations – Perform daily routine and orbit-keeping tasks
  • Information Technology – Provide systems administration support, security solutions, and IT architecture & design
  • Program/Project Management – Support both domestic and international clients via quality assurance, logistics support, and risk management

Model Based Systems Solutions in Falls Church, Virginia

Systems Strategies & Analysis and Intercax (a pioneer in the MBSE field) offer self-paced video courses for learning Model Based System Engineering (MBSE). Also, our MBSE course may be taken by beginners, advanced users, or anyone curious about MBSE in general. This particular MBSE training utilizes both lectures and student tutorial exercises. Additionally, the training introduces users to SysML language terminology and notation and the concepts of how MBE and MBSE may be released as part of the overall system development and engineering process.

Moreover, the program is divided into ten parts. Each module is designed to last approximately four hours to complete, but the student sets the pace. In addition, the video modules for Part 1 are available for customer evaluation when you register. Call SSA today at (240)813-4427 to request information regarding our MBSE consulting services in Falls Church and surrounding communities in Virginia.

MBSE Training in Falls Church, VA

For each part of the Model Based System Engineering training, SSA provides a video lecture and a digital copy of the lecture slides. For most parts, our company also includes starter and final models for the hands-on exercises, video demonstrations for the hands-on activities, and digital files of exercise instructions. Our MBSE consulting company also provides an online quiz for each module to test the student’s program mastery. Is your company ready to jumpstart their MBSE/MBE experience? Please contact info@ssa-inc.com today to receive your Model Based System Engineering training in Falls Church, VA.

Contact SSA, Inc. Today for MBSE Consulting Services in Falls Church

From program and project management services to Model Based Systems Engineering (MBSE)/Model Based Engineering (MBE) training, Systems Strategies and Analysis (SSA, Inc.) can provide excellent services in a timely and cost-effective manner. Our corporate capabilities include systems engineering, information technology, project management, MBSE training, and much more. Contact us today at (240)813-4427 or send us a message to learn about how our MBSE consulting company can assist your organization